Charter for bully boys

• I FOUND your front-page article illuminating because it illustrated just how our council’s “common sense” parking policies often have little or nothing to do with the ordinary person’s understanding of that concept ­– in this instance resulting in tickets being issued because a crash victim’s scooter had subsequently been left in a residents’ parking bay (Crash victim wins parking ticket fight, January 1). However, it was also depressing because it demonstrated how we now live in a society where people in power routinely hide behind the kind of letter received in this case by the crash victim, stating they had “carefully looked at each of the tickets and were satisfied they were issued correctly”.
National government must be blamed to a great extent for bringing about the legal framework where such abuses are not only available but apparently coveted by the bully boys in authority. However, Islington is not compelled to encourage that kind of regime and when it proclaims it espouses common sense parking policies it should not be necessary for the Tribune to come to the rescue. It would be nice to think the council will root out those responsible in its parking services department and, preferably, get rid of them. Saying they have cancelled all the tickets in a “situation like this” is not enough. We need to know this sort of thing will not recur. Would someone like to reassure us?
Richard Lewis
Oakley Road, N1


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