Students: no one is listening

Published: 3 December, 2010

An open letter from Pimlico Academy post-16 students.

• WE, students of Pimlico Academy sixth form, reject and disagree with the coalition plans to raise tuition fees. 

We believe these measures will mean a decline in students from low-income backgrounds attending university, as only part of society can afford to pay fees this high. 

The rise is unfair and discriminatory. 

The government argues it is fair, but it is impossible to see how. Those without money will be hugely discouraged to further their education, knowing they will probably still be in debt into their 40s. 

In fact, it will act as a deterrent for youth everywhere. The violence and anger seen recently at demonstrations may not be acceptable but it is to be expected. 

The actions of this government are unacceptable, and will cause us great harm. We are frustrated, and no one is listening.

We are also concerned with the actions of the police force. The process of “kettling” is not only cruel but a violation of rights. By stopping the route of a protest and creating human cordons the police are effectively holding protesters captive, without any warrant to do so, and imposing on their right to protest by holding them back. 

A huge number of the protesters present last Wednesday were under the age of 18 and the vast majority were peaceful. 

The police should not be putting them in this position. 

There were reports of students not being “released” until past 10pm and complaints were made about fires, but in minus temperatures, what else is there to do?

Not only are the government abusing our right to education they are abusing our right to protest, and they’re not even listening.



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