Fuller perspective on the primary schools places crisis

Published: 9 December, 2010

• YOUR readers are no doubt glad to read Councillor Andrew Mennear’s letters (Primary kids need places) over the weeks. 

Could I suggest he broadens his topics by telling us of the letter he no doubt wrote to Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, to protest about the £170million of Building Schools for the Future funding being withdrawn from Camden’s secondaries. 

Perhaps then he could write a letter of apology for his decision in February to “postpone indefinitely” £22m of capital expenditure on five needy Camden primary schools and then a letter justifying expenditure of almost £600,000 on the “Education Centre” in Courthope Road for nine months for just 37 children. These would put in perspective his pleas for a new primary.

M FARRANT, Oak Village, NW5



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