Forget the bin snoopers, just clear away the snow

Published: 3 December, 2010

• AT a time of recession it is outrageous that Islington Council should even consider the introduction of a bin tax to further harass and penalise hard-pressed residents (£110 fine if you fail to recycle your waste, November 19).

Councillor Paul Smith states that the approach will be that of education and encouragement, with enforcement being a last resort. This is exactly the approach promised with regard to traffic parking and control, which quickly degenerated into a draconian, revenue-raising exercise. 

If the council has spare resources to pay for more snoopers and wardens these should be used for improving core services such as street cleansing and keeping our roads and pavements free from ice and snow.

Islington Taxpayers Alliance   

• I NOTE that Islington Council is planning to fine me if I place the wrong items in the wrong recycling bins.

As a counterpoint, I would like to suggest that I should be able to fine the council when its contractors a) drop half of my refuse onto my driveway 

b) decide to empty two of my bins instead of the three that are there and/or c) decide to ignore me altogether. Suffice to say, so far this year I would be quids in. Bring it on, I say. 

Canonbury Park North, N1

• ISLINGTON Council has done a great deal to provide a service that is convenient and works. Paper, plastics, glass and cans can all be mixed, not separated, in the one green recycle bin. 

Grass cuttings, leaves and garden waste can be collected in the orange sacks. The brown food waste bins mean that I struggle to throw half a bag of rubbish away a week.

Money made from the sale of recycled materials should be reinvested in rewards and education so that residents can maximise their use of the service provided by the council.

Rewards and education are the way forward, not fines, Big Brother and inspectors, all of which have to be paid for. Give something back to the residents who can be motivated to recycle.   



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