A festive No, No, No to this assault on our welfare state

Published: 17 December, 2010

• YOU report that Islington Pensioners Forum has been offered 60 tickets for the pensioners’ Christmas party by Islington Council (MP goes on Santa stand-by as Town Hall’s top earner says: No, No, No, December 10). Actually, it was 40, which represents less than 10 per cent of our membership but was most welcome.  

I enjoyed the tale of who should be Santa at the party. Do pensioners still believe in Father Christmas? I suspect there is about as much chance of them believing in him as there is of the Coalition government understanding fairness or equality. 

The myth it uses to promote basically the destruction of the welfare state is that we all share the pain. 

Like Santa, this is a fairy story thought up by politicians who have no idea of what poverty means and its effects on a nation.  

I like the idea of Santa Jeremy doing his bit. Is his natural beard actually a hidden financial saving? Only joking, Jeremy. Keep practising the Ho, Ho, Ho bit for the party and the No, No, No bit against the government’s destruction of the welfare state.

Secretary, Islington Pensioners Forum

• ANY of the overpaid managers at the Town Hall could play the part of Father Christmas at the pensioners’ party as they have Santa arriving in their wages every week with a big economic prezzie. I would sack the lot and rehire 10 per cent on reality wages. 

The other 90 per cent could go sit in Lapland for as long as they like.

At Christmas, people sometimes receive a selection box. Perhaps councillors will find a deselection box at the next election. 

Protect services, protect the community and protect the people of Islington. 

Amwell Street, ec1 


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