Barred from fees demo

Published: 3 December, 2010

• I UNDERSTAND  that last Wednesday a large number of older students from Highbury Grove School wanted to go on the student demonstration. 

Students at the school were clearly very angry about the potential loss of the education maintenance allowance, awarded to the vast majority of Highbury Grove students doing   A-levels and very much relied on to complete their studies.

They were also very angry that if they go on to university they will be faced with debts of up to £50,000. 

If I was a student now I would want to walk  out of school and protest about what this government is doing to people who don’t even get a vote.

Cameron and Clegg say they can’t leave the country in debt for the younger generations but instead they will leave them in crippling personal debt. Unfortunately for the students, they were not allowed out of the school to make their voice heard. 

Which is why I write this letter to let people know how angry they are about the actions of this Coalition government.

Parent-governor, Highbury Grove School



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