Who goes online before they park a car?
Publsihed: 22 April, 2010
• FURTHER to Pam Baily’s letter of April 15, an elderly friend who lives outside Camden parked on a single yellow line on Good Friday.
She came out to find she had just been ticketed. The warden was still there and he said that we should have checked on Camden’s website (my friend does not have a computer) or read about the ruling in all the “local papers!”
I phoned the council’s parking team on behalf of my friend and was told that all tickets issued to those parked on single yellow lines on Good Friday and Easter Monday have or are about to be cancelled.
I was not offered any explanation as to why, or any assurance that this may or may not happen again.
I explained that not everyone has access to the internet and that most people would never think about looking at a council’s website before parking in the borough.
I also asked which publications this notice had appeared in. I was told that no notices had been published in any local papers. I hope that after this fiasco Camden will make their parking notices/ changes more public in the future.
Address supplied, NW1
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