Democracy in danger when gates are shut on canvassers

Published: 23 April, 2010

• THE Green Party opposes gated housing developments because they isolate residents and weaken the community. At election time it also becomes evident how they can undermine our democratic processes, with concierges and management companies refusing access to canvassers from political parties.
I’m well aware – from recent experience! – that some members of the public would be quite happy never to see anyone with a rosette knocking on their door again. On the other hand, many not only expect to be canvassed but indeed don’t see why they should vote for a party that hasn’t bothered to come round to talk to them.
Canvassing is an important part of our electoral tradition, and around Highbury, for example, there are literally thousands of voters living in new flats built as part of the Arsenal redevelopment who, as things stand, are being excluded from face-to-face contact with political parties.
I’m sure there genuinely are some residents who would prefer not to have strangers wandering round their blocks and estates, as the concierges claim, but for a few days every few years is this really more important than allowing engagement in the electoral debate?
Many residents from within Highbury Stadium Square have already contacted the Green Party, both to find out more about our manifesto and to offer support for our campaign.
But we would encourage other residents in such developments, if they feel disenfranchised in this way, to ask their concierges and management companies to lift the ban for the remaining weeks of the election.
Islington Green Party


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