
Published: 15 April, 2010

• WE wish to draw your readers’ attention to the fact that the annual celebration by the British Zionist organisation on April 20 will be held in Camden – the Proud Camden venue.
What the Zionists celebrate as Israel’s day of independence is in fact the time of the Palestinian Nakba, when 750,000 people, three quarters of the Palestinian people, were either killed or driven out by force of arms from their homes, land and villages.  
Since 1948 most of those expelled have been refugees in camps in other countries and not allowed to return, their land stolen and colonised by Zionist settlers.
The Israeli state and the Israel defence forces are reviled the world over for their brutal, illegal, occupation of Palestinian lands and, most recently, assault on people of Gaza.
We call on the management of Proud Camden to cancel the booking.
GILL KAFFASH , Secretary
SABBY SAGALL, Chair Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign


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