LANDIN'S LINE: Change, change, change... but what does it all mean?
'CHANGE' has been the word of this campaign, as we found out in the new year, when David Cameron launched his naively-bare billboards, depicting his face (which opponents argued was digitally improved) and a promise that this was the 'Year for Change'. Next it was 'Time for Change'. Before long, internet spoofs were appearing with 'Airbrushed for Change' stamped in the corner.
The big surprise for me was when one of Camden's Lib Dem councillors announced on his Facebook page that he 'thinks it's time for change in Hampstead and Kilburn'. Was this connection with the Tory campaign deliberate? Most probably not. But change has become the buzz-word for lazy campaigning. Who's to say we'll like the change, or exactly what will be changed? Surely a better Facebook 'status' would be to announce a commitment to fairness or better public services? But through only using the word 'change', candidates can please everyone: we can all delude ourselves into thinking it's the type of change we want to see, given that nobody thinks this world is perfect.
It is, of course, largely copied from Barack Obama in the United States. However, it is important to remember that his 'change' was foremostly a change in the president. But given the huge publicity the Obama campaign got over here, I, for one, can't help feel slightly sick whenever I hear the word. There are plenty of other short ways of summing up a campaign, without trying to please all and being so vague.
If everyone had such a desire for change for change's sake, then tomorrow might see not only one in government but also in every local authority across the country. Fortunately, although David Cameron doesn't seem to realise it, people are more intelligent than that.
5.51PM May 5, 2010
LANDIN'S LINE is written by A-Level student CONRAD LANDIN during the General Election campaign. He is a former councillor on Camden's Youth Council and is the vice-chairman of the Labour Party's Highgate branch.
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