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Focus on Clerkenwell - Amwell Veterinary Practice

Margaret and Dale Barter of Amwell Veterinary Practice with their pet dogs

Published: 25th February, 2011

FEW have done more   to improve the life in Georgian-listed Amwell Street than vet Dale Barter and his partner, Margaret.

They not only encourage responsible pet ownership, but also campaign on behalf of the street and its traders when it is under threat from developers, utility companies digging up the road, or draconian parking policies.

The couple have run the Amwell Veterinary Practice for 14 years and live close by. They adore animals, have several pets of their own at home, and have up to 5,000 clients on the books.

Born and brought up in Queensland, Australia, Dale remembers always having lots of pets around when he was a child. “It was open house for animals, with 20 cats and chickens and a walaroo, which is a medium-sized kangaroo. I can’t imagine life without pets.”

The biggest threat to the viability of small businesses in the area, according to Margaret, is parking. “We are already being penalised by being in the congestion zone. The council’s new parking regime, allowing permit holders to park in residential bays between 11am and 3pm, is no good for us because it doesn’t coincide with our consultation times.

“But why do we need parking restrictions on a Saturday? We think this is something that should change and we are launching a campaign to get rid of these pointless restrictions.”

Amwell Veterinary Practice
52 Amwell St, EC1
020 7833 1320


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