OAPs fight closures - Elderly say they'll be left "isolated and alone" if Great Croft Resource Centre gets axe
Published: 24 February 2011
ELDERLY people took to the streets with placards for the second time since the council announced proposals to axe day centres and luncheon clubs for pensioners.
Older people, including the frail and disabled, took over the pavement outside the Brunswick Centre in Bloomsbury on
Tuesday lunchtime and waved banners to show their anger at the cuts.
The pensioners, from Great Croft Resource Centre in King’s Cross, say older people will be left isolated and alone if the closure of four day centres, five luncheon clubs, eight “good neighbour schemes” and cuts to meals on wheels go ahead.
Although the council is currently consulting on the plans, many members feel closures are a “done deal” and have accused Camden of paying lip service to consultation.
But these fears did not stop members collecting hundreds of signatures from passers-by of all ages, including Camden Council workers, during the demonstration.
Pam Oskam, who stopped to sign the petition, described the cuts as “outrageous.” She added: “They haven’t got much to begin with so the little that is on offer should not be taken away.
“I know the number of old people is growing but we need to accept that and deal with it, not take services away.”