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Teachers with third class degrees? Camden's Tory education chief Andrew Mennear reveals concerns


CAMDEN'S Conservative education chief has hinted he supports the national party's idea of effectively hampering students who only achieve a third class degree at university from becoming teachers.

Party leader David Cameron said on Monday that government funds for training people who had failed to get higher level degree honour would be stopped under a Tory government.

Councillor Andrew Mennear, who has been in charge of Camden's schools since 2006, said: “There is a point in what he is saying. When I was growing up, a teacher we had said they only had got a 'D' in the old O-Level maths and from then the respect was gone. We thought: so why are you teaching us when you didn't even get an 'A-C' in one of the main subjects yourself?”

Mr Cameron said that he wanted teaching to become a more “noble” profession.


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