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Honour for Mary Gibson, head with 40 years in classroom

Head Mary Gibson with Yerbury Primary schoolchildren

WHEN this school year ends, headteacher Mary Gibson will have been teaching in Islington for 40 years.
But the 62-year-old head of Yerbury Primary School in Archway is not ready to claim her gold watch just yet.
Instead, she is celebrating the award of an MBE for her services to education in north London in the Queen’s New Year Honours list. Mrs Gibson said: “It’s very gratifying and I feel honoured. It’s lovely for the community and it’s quite an honour for state education.”
Yerbury’s deputy headteacher Anthony Mirams told pupils of the award at Tuesday’s assembly.
Mrs Gibson said: “I wasn’t going to say anything. The children were ever so pleased because I’m going to meet the Queen and I’ll tell them what she’s wearing and what I’m going to wear.
“They haven’t told me when it is, but it’ll be in the next six months. You get five weeks’ notice so you can buy a new outfit.”
Mrs Gibson, who advises and visits schools identified as needing support, said: “I came to Islington at the grand old age of 18 to be a student and I’ve been here ever since.
“At the end of this school year I’ll have been teaching for 40 years. I’m very proud of that and I’ve been head of Yerbury for 27-28 years. I’m also a magistrate for Inner London Youth Court. Being a teacher has helped enormously and vice versa. There are many similarities.”
Mrs Gibson received a letter in November telling her she was being considered for an honour. She then heard nothing until she saw her name in newspapers on New Year’s Eve.
She said: “I’m not sure who nominated me but whoever did and whoever supported me I’d like to say thank you very much. I’m extremely grateful.
“I just wish my mum and dad and mother and father-in-in-law were alive. They’d be thrilled.”
Mrs Gibson’s husband David and children Helen and Timothy, both of whom attended Yerbury, will accompany her to the Palace.


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