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Emergency summit called after shooting in Tufnell Park

Published: 16 July, 2010

AN EMERGENCY summit has been called to ease rising tensions in Tufnell Park after a shooting took place just over a week ago.

Although no one was shot and no culprit has been caught, Islington Police and ward councillors moved quickly to impose a dispersal zone on the area surrounding Tufnell Park Estate. 

It comes after a lone gunman was seen cycling onto the estate just after midnight on Sunday July 4, shooting three times at the brand new astro-turf football pitch outside Hollins House, Tufnell Park Road, then calmly cycling away.

Detectives later found three empty bullet shells, and bullet marks on a nearby silver Vauxhall but despite an extensive search of the area, found no blood trail, no suspects and no victim.

Residents and councillors believe the shooting was “waiting to happen” as anti-social behaviour has begun to increase.

Lib Dem Ward councillor Tracy Ismail, who has called the summit for the first week of August, said: “This guy very calmly drove onto the estate on his bike, shot into the football pitch, got back on his bike and rode away. I suspect it wasn’t aimed at a person. Maybe it was fired as a warning.”

She said there have been increasing problems since the new football and basketball court was added to the estate, adding: “The young men hang around the football pitch, which has been vandalised. 

“They have burned the astro-turf. They gather there, eating pizzas – we’ve found empty champagne bottles.”

Cllr Ismail, along with fellow ward councillors David Wilson and Jes­sica Asato have called for a solution to be found before the dispersal zone runs out in December. She said: “The zone lasts until December. That gives us some breathing space.” 

The St Georges SNT and Islington Anti Social Behaviour team sought the dispersal zone, which was brought in on Friday and will run until December 9. 

It gives police the power to scatter groups of young people who are involved in or who they believe are likely to become involved in criminal or anti-social activity. 

Anyone who fails to comply with a police request to move can be arrested.


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