Event: No Sell Offs campaign - Lobbying of Camden's Budget Meeting - Monday 1 March from 6pm
Published: 25 February 2010
Lobbying Camden Council’s Budget Meeting
From 6.00pm Monday 1st March, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, WC1
No Sell Offs campaign
Demand Councillors vote to stop the sell off of council homes - and join us to demand direct investment instead
ALSO on 6th March 3pm protest auction of Councillors' homes
Kentish Town Road outside Co-op supermarket.
No Sell Offs campaign is supported by Camden Federation of Tenants
and Residents Association (CFTRA), Camden Council District Management Committees, Camden Association of Street Properties (CASP),
Camden Defend Council Housing, Camden UNISON,
Camden Trades Council and homeless campaigners
c/o Camden Fed 0207383 2227 office@camdenfed.org
The Campaign to Stop Cuts to Camden UK Online Centres
Say No to £170,000 worth of cuts to Camden UK Online Centres. This money helps to maintain internet connections and computer equipment for use of the disadvantaged and helps bridge the ‘digital divide’. It also helps pay for tutors to support people starting community learning or accessing online services.
While bankers still enjoy record profits and bonus payments, the poorest are once again being asked to pay the price for their bail out.
If you can help email supportcamdenukonline@googlemail.com
Defend public services. Camden UNISON is supporting both lobbies.