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Feature: Event- A Somali Poet in Somers Town - Tuesday November 23 at Make-Do

Published: 18 November 2010

MAKE-Do is a new community space opening in Somers Town on Monday which aims to get a high level of local participation. One of its inaugural events is on Tuesday, November 23, when Abdullahi Bhotan and Rob Inglis will perform A Somali Poet in Somers Town. One poem in this evening of entertainment is dedicated to Hoppa, a shopping trolley which will solve the world’s challenges in transport, finance, energy and global warming. Some trolley!

Bhotan and Inglis’s performance has been described as “perceptive and humorous observations delivered with theatrical skill” by the English-Somali Association’s Journal.

The event is at 7pm, Tuesday November 23  at Make-Do, 52 Phoenix Road, Somers Town, NW1. Contact


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