Education Feature: A Level Results - Success is sweet. . . and your grade is guaranteed!
Published: 25 August, 2011
THE scramble for places through clearing began this week with the publication of A-level results.
It is one of the most nerve-wracking times in recent history for students, with universities receiving record numbers of applicants but having fewer places than ever to give away.
With the dark cloud of the recession still hanging over the country, the stakes seem higher than ever.
In this difficult educational climate, the London-based revision school Excel in Key Subjects offers students and parents a key tool of empowerment.
It runs classes on Saturdays and during school holidays at KS3, GCSE, AS and A2-level, helping students achieve the highest exam results they are capable of.
The school has a track record of helping students to attain grades A* to C at GCSE in over 95 per cent of cases, and is confident enough to guarantee its students’ final grades at GCSE, AS and A2-level – or they get a refund.
One of its biggest success stories is Esma Akkilic, who featured in Britain’s Got Talent last year.
Esma has just secured a place at the London School of Economics (LSE) to study Politics, after achieving two A grades and one A* at A-level.
Her grade improved from a D to an A* at GCSE after studying with Excel in Key Subjects.
Esma now works part-time for Excel in Key Subjects while waiting to take up her place at LSE.
Students are taught in groups of six to eight, and classes are run mainly on Saturdays (although revision programmes also take place at Christmas, New Year, Easter, during the summer and at half-terms).
The Saturday classes are set up like a full school day but concentrate on key subjects.
This allows students to step outside the distractions of the standard school classroom and concentrate on the material that will make a real difference to their grades and their lives.
“As for parents, they are really getting excellence at an affordable cost: the concept of a grade guarantee means parents have nothing to lose,” says course co-ordinator Mr Musty.
Excel in Key Subjects also provides one-to-one consultation to parents who have an issue with the school or their child’s education and who are seeking advice and support.
There is no cost to the parent and the consultation can be face to face or over the telephone.
Open Day City University
Northampton Square, EC1V 0HB.
10am, Saturday, September 10
Tel: 020 7040 5648