Education Feature: Business & Computing courses at London School of Science and Technology
Published: 1 September, 2011
A new form of learning is on offer at a community-based vocational College in Wembley, West London.
The London School of Science and Technology (LSST) is offering a range of flexible business and computing courses for those interested in gaining a Higher Education qualification, while learning the practical skills of working in business or computing.
Principal Alan Jeffery explained how their programmes meet the needs of modern business world:
“In a time of recession people searching for jobs need to be able to offer something more than just a qualification. That’s why we devised our courses to encourage learners to be entrepreneurial in setting up their own businesses or to be able to contribute immediately to an existing business.
“This, we believe, will give them the edge when entering the real ‘Dragon’s Den’ that is the modern business world!”
A notable feature when you visit LSST is the wide variety of students, ranging in age from 18 to 66, as well as their differing educational backgrounds and earlier life experiences.
Demand for places is high and candidates undergo a rigorous interview with a member of the Admissions Team who will be interested in finding out about applicant’s intentions for their future career or business.
How to apply for an October 2011 start:
Phone LSST on 0208 432 9883 between 10am and 6pm Mon-Saturday and speak to a member of the student admissions team for more information.