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Rock and Pop: Latest News > December 9

Published: 9 December, 2010

BAND of the moment, Warehouse Republic, are hot. Sadly so hot that guitarist Charlie Flynn’s house just burned down, devouring all he owns, including five guitars. He jumped from the attic window, breaking his fall on the porch, escaping with minor injuries. Go on, Fender, help them out!

But this misfortune hasn’t put them off their campaign to save the 100 Club or their planned appearance at The Good Ship (Dec 17) – acoustic while Charlie recovers. A chance to see them in a small venue before they shoot into the stratosphere. Judge them by fantastic single Revolver, released this week.

• The Riff Raff play 02 Academy Islington tonight (Thurs). Drawing influences from indie, ska, folk and classical music, they were one of the main highlights of BBC Introducing’s New Music Radio 1 Stage at Glastonbury.

• Koko’s Christmas party is here. See Dinosaur Pile Up and Kassidy tomorrow (Dec 10) and visit Bad Santa in the gallery – free entry to anyone in full fancy dress between 9pm and 11pm.

• The Luminaire may be closing but it’s not leaving without uncovering the next great student musicians. The top three bands in national student Battle of the Bands duel to the death on (Dec 13). Hear all the tracks here:

• Miss Florence Joelle is a class act, evoking the mood and glamour of the 1940s/50s, adding a modern twist. See her at The Fiddler’s Elbow, Malden Road (Dec 14).

• The Camden Crawl’s building momentum. Get to know the bands who will appear, including Wild Palms, Bear Driver, The Slow Revolt and Heart Kill Grant at The Bull & Gate (Dec 15). 


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