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Classical and Jazz: Latest News > September 23 - HAMPSTEAD AND HIGHGATE FESTIVAL

Published: 23 September 2010

THERE'LL be a concert a day for the next nine days during the Hampstead & Highgate Festival, with music ranging from song recitals to Caribbean jazz – and Dame Felicity Lott, no less. Most of the concerts are at Hampstead Parish Church, Church Row, with free lunchtime concerts during the week. As NW3’s traffic conditions may limit the influx of visitors, it behoves locals to turn out for as many concerts as possible. Concerts are at Hampstead Parish Church unless stated:

Friday September 24: Piano duo Simon Crawford-Phillips and Philip Moore play Debussy, Schumann, Ravel and a piano version of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. 7.45pm/tickets from £11.
Saturday September 25/first concert: Linden Piano Trio play Stravinsky, Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky  6pm/from £9
Second concert: Soprano Amy Freston, mezzo Louise Mott and International Baroque players perform Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater and Respighi’s Il Tramonto. 9pm/ from £9
Sunday September 26: Carib­bean Jazz and Rhythm & Blues played on terrace of Lauderdale House, Highgate. 4pm/free
Friday October 1: Faure Quartet play Mozart, Mendel­ssohn and Schumann piano quartets at Dyne House, Highgate School, N6, 7.45pm/£16
Saturday October 2: soprano Dame Felicity Lott accompanied by Graham Johnson sings Berlioz, Ravel, Satie, Berners and Poulenc. 7.30pm/from £16
Sunday October 3: Family concert at Dune House, Highgate School. 3pm/£9.

Sunday evensong at Hampstead Parish Church to include Walton’s Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Stravinsky’s Psalm 39 from Symphony of Psalms and Rachmaninoff’s Ave Maria.    6pm/free – and all welcome.

Box office: 020 7722 9301 •


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