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Rock and Pop: Latest News - > August 19 Actor Tim Robbins to release new album

Published: 19 August, 2010

EVEN after planting a bunch of ethical gremlin traps, one has still managed to evade us. The wonderful Record of the Week last week was by GABBY Young and Other Animals – not by Young as stated. Help me feel less bad by buying the record.

• Hollywood actor Tim Robbins told Desert Island Discs his mid-life crisis inspired his new album. See Tim Robbins & the Rogues Gallery Band at the Union Chapel (September 30). Incidentally, his emergency collection includes Nina Simone’s Sinnerman, Johnny Cash’s In Your Mind, and Joni Mitchell’s A Case of You and a matchbook as his book – cheating?

• The Smiths’ There is a Light That Never Goes Out has been ringing in my head ever since my landlady decided to evict me – “I never ever want to go home, because I haven’t got one anymore”, has been cheering me up. 

• John Otway’s been around for some time, an old regular at The Dublin Castle. He returns on Saturday along with The Quirky.

• Shed Seven play 02 Academy Islington on Friday – I remember being a fan (pre Going for Gold – bleugh!), so revisited them on YouTube. Dolphin aside, some musical memories are best not revisited.

• Cellist and singer Izzi Dunn (Jazz Café, Friday) may have been classically trained but she won’t be pigeonholed. Her work spans hip-hop, soul and indie, and she’s collaborated with Gorillaz, Oasis, George Harrison and Mark Ronson.

• Remember the gruff vocals of hardcore rappers M.O.P., of Ante Up and Cold As Ice fame? Hear Lil’ Fame and Billy Danzenie in the flesh at the Jazz Café on Wednesday. 


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