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Rock and Pop: Latest news > May 6 - CAMDEN CRAWL 2010 overview

Published: 6 May 2010

AS Pete Doherty swayed in a Camden High Street alleyway and Amy Winehouse pulled pints in the Dublin Castle, it was difficult to picture the two in their Camden Crawl heyday. At one time the celebrated highlights of the festival, it was a bitter reminder of the changing fortunes of plagued young stars. Winehouse’s turn – does she get paid, we wonder? – is obviously not her true profession, but the question remains, when will she get back to the day job?

Doherty, in red and gold Libertines jacket, was vacant, distracted, and more concerned with the dingy flat he disappeared into – almost oblivious of the Crawl going on around him, though he did manage to make it to NW1 bar later. 

What next for these two?

• Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip had a novel way of deciding the election. Dishing out cardboard masks of Brown, Cameron and Clegg to three “mental” young lads at the front, they asked the crowd to cheer the best dancer. Cameron drew the boos, Brown fared pretty well, but the big cheers were reserved for Clegg – “liberal indie festival-goers”, muttered Pip at the result.

• Critics beware, the talent can bite back. One reviewer’s just earned Speech Debelle’s twitter wrath after saying she played to a half-empty room and a bemused Dingwalls crowd who didn’t know who she was.

She said: “No matter how much you achieve in life there’s people...who will always try to tear you down. The internet gives life to haters who would otherwise be too afraid to spew there hate for fear of retribution. Just read an article were he said I performed to a ‘half empty room’ at Camden Crawl. Come on dude. STOP IT! your cant stop me even if you are “bemused” at how I won.”

Sadly I can’t tell you how full the room was – our reviewers were elsewhere.


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