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Rock and Pop: CAMDEN CRAWL 2010 - Crawl out of bed, get ready to rock - what's instore!

Published: 29 April 2010

THE Camden Crawl takes over the High Street again this weekend, kicking off in the cold, shameful light of Saturday lunchtime at 12 sharp. 

Do arrive on time – you wouldn’t want to miss anything, and while losing it in a dark, sweaty mosh pit while the afternoon sun blazes outside may seem odd, it’s one of the incongruous joys of the Crawl. 

This year’s headliners are roundly over the hill at the Roundhouse, so it’s more important than ever to trawl the pokier venues for hidden gems. The breadth and depth of the festival is astounding, so you’ve only got yourself to blame when the Sugababes are rubbish.

The Emerging Talent Awards (Saturday and Sunday, 12-4pm) helpfully bring all those brand new bands together in one place for your delectation.

As usual, exact times and locations are firmly under lock and key beforehand, but a daring raid has allowed us to reveal a few of the best before we’re silenced by The Man. 

Don’t tell them we told you to check out Black Soul Strangers (pictured above), the rocking Irishmen who have 20 minutes to shake up home away-from-home Tommy Flynn’s on Saturday night. Catch them at 5.40pm, giving you plenty of time for, erm, refreshments before wandering to Mornington Crescent to catch Stornoway’s just-the-right-side of twee stylings at Koko (7.35pm). 

If you get carried away, never fear – you can also catch them at the Roundhouse at 9pm on Sunday. 

Our absolute weekend faves are the underrated Southamptonites Delays, who may have flown in to promote a new album, but are carrying a suitcase of older indie-pop goodness. Those rather generous organisers have also thrown in a bunch of fiendish distractions. 

The Edinboro Castle’s beer garden is a delightful place to while away the daylight hours, especially with a festival of words and music every day until 7pm. 

There’s even a fantasy football league for the weekend’s matches, catering for the many, many football-loving indie rock fans. You can catch the footy in the Sheephaven Bay on Mornington Street. Oh, and remember to spread the booze. If you’re getting up in time to catch the start, don’t crash out before you enjoy the end.

Get all the latest news and gossip from all the venues @roisingadelrab







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