Feature: Theatre - Waiting in the Wings - rarely performed Noël Coward play set to be revived at Pentameters Theatre
Published: 26 August 2010
A RARELY performed Noël Coward play is set to be revived at a Hampstead Theatre on the 50th anniversary of its first performance – thanks to “grey pride”.
Waiting in the Wings, first performed on September 7 1960, is about a retirement home for actresses.
Aline Waites, a well-known face on the Camden theatre scene for more than 40 years, has assembled a cast of veteran leading ladies including Frances Cuka, star of soaps, Shakespeare and the silver screen, and Audrey Nicholson, who was an “Ovaltinie” – a child star of TV Ovaltine ads. “I call this grey pride,” says Aline. “Everyone says there aren’t enough roles for older actresses. That usually means people over 40, but this is people over 70.”
The performance on September 7 is expected to be attended by members of the Noël Coward Society. “We will be doing something to mark the anniversary,” says Pentameters founder Léonie Scott-Matthews. “We have a publicity stunt up our sleeves.”
Coward said the play contained “two of the best scenes I have ever written”. However, it is only rarely performed.
• Waiting in the Wings, Pentameters Theatre, 28 Heath Street, Hampstead, August 31-September 18, £12, £10 concs, 020 7435 3648