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Not just about flowers! - Highgate Horticultural Society’s Autumn Show

Ann Dallman and Jill Marston of the Highgate Horticultural Society
Bronwen and Lucy Jackson, aged eight, who won the raffle winner
“Halloween” and “Best Edible Thing” winners Grace and Izzy Farmer
Diana Miller and Tessa Hanxwell, who won second prize for flowering plants

Published: 22 September 2011


IF you thought horticultural shows were just about flowers, think again!
The Highgate Horticultural Society’s Autumn Show last Saturday featured some prize categories that were not your common or garden variety.
Alongside the award-winning tomatoes and chrysanthemums, entrants competed for the honour of “Most Unusually Shaped Vegetable”, the slightly premature “Best Halloween outfit” and the not entirely appetising “Best Edible Thing” (the winner was a snail made out of biscuits). 
Large numbers attended the quarterly show at the United Reformed Church in South Grove to marvel at the late-blooming roses and bid on the produce at auction.

All the winners:

Highgate Horticultural Society Cup for best exhibit in floral classes 1-19: Prof S Marston (roses);
Faith Cope Morgan Award for most points in floral classes 1-19: Mr A Dallman;
Gibbon Cup for best exhibit in fruit classes 20-30: Mr G Sycamore (desert apples);
The Gibbon Award for most points in fruit classes 20-30: Mr A Dallman;
The Jack Hurst Award for best exhibit in Runner Beans class 33: Mr G Sycamore;
Dame Frances Gardner Cup for best exhibit in single vegetable classes 33-55: Mr G Sycamore (carrots);
The Rankine Cup for most points in single vegetable classes 33-55: Mr G Sycamore;
D.J. Hawkins Bowl for most points in decorative classes 57-60: Mrs M Wilton;
Jubilee Cup for most points in 5 years and under classes 61-63: Not awarded;
Constance Dains Award for most points in 6-10 classes 64-66: Grace and Isobel Farmer;
Brough Cup for most points in 11-16s classes 67-69: Tufnell Park School Gardening Club;
Alice Allender Award for best exhibit in domestic classes 71-76: Mrs D Millar;
HHS Certificate of Merit for Class 31 (includes £10 prize): Mr G Sycamore;
Diploma for Excellence in Horticulture (flowers): Mr A Dallman (planted bowl);
Diploma for Excellence in Horticulture (Fruit): Mr A Dallman (melon);
Diploma for Excellence in Horticulture (vegetables): Mr G Sycamore (French beans);
Certificate of Merit in Floral Art: Mr G Sycamore


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