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Not the end of the Rainbow saga - Owner Jenny De Selves wants her Lovebird back

Rainbow "The pocket Parrott"

Published: 08 September 2011

THE lovebird “lost” by council builders was tracked down to a pet shop this week – but staff had sold the bird before its owner could claim it back.
Rainbow, a two-year-old Fischer’s lovebird (pictured), disappeared from his home in College Place, Camden Town, one month ago while builders were repairing the garden door. 
A New Journal reader contacted the bird’s owner, Jenny De Selves, after seeing the story in last week’s paper, but the trials of Rainbow the “pocket parrot” are far from over. He was found in Royal College Street a few days after his disappearance and handed in to Cally Pet Stores in Caledonian Road.
The shop’s owner, Jim Dove, said they had kept the lovebird for two weeks in case anybody claimed him. When no one did, they sold him on to a middle-aged woman who paid in cash. Mr Dove said they were now “keeping their fingers crossed” that the woman would return him so the situation could be resolved.
Ms De Selves, 59, said: “I know Rainbow’s alive and I know he’s well. 
“If it wasn’t for the New Journal I wouldn’t know anything. Now I’ve just got to get him back. It’s my birthday next week and that would be the best present ever.”


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