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Former Lib Dem councillor admits benefits fraud - Chris Basson handed suspended jail sentence

Chris Basson


A FORMER Liberal Democrat councillor has been handed a suspended jail sentence after admitting false benefits claims amounting to nearly £12,000.

Chris Basson, 54, did not notify the Department of Work and Pensions about the allowance he received during his time as a councillor for Belsize ward at the Town Hall. This led to him being overpaid his incapacity benefit entitlement by £11,546, Westminster Magistrates Court was told. Mr Basson (pictured left with former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell in 2006) admitted a charge of fraud last month and was sentenced yesterday. He was given a 28 day prison sentence suspended for 12 months. Mr Basson was also handed a three month curfew and ordered to wear an electronic tag.

He was elected to the council in May 2006 but stepped down three years after a struggle wth depression and a poor attendance record. The court heard the computer consultant is currently receiving treatment for heroin addiction.


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