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SOHO SOCIETY FESTIVAL - This Sunday, July 10th - Adam Ant and Gracie the parrot lead this year’s festivities

Gracie the parrot at the Soho Festival

ALL eyes will be on Soho this weekend for the grandest knees-up in this most charming corner of the West End. The champagne and Pimm’s will be flowing, the bunting will be broken out and there will be the usual array of eccentric entertainment including alpine horn blowing, parrot painting and a plebiscite where citizens of the area can vote for Lord and Lady Soho.

Many hundreds of Soho residents and visitors – both young and old and clad in colourful party gear – are expected to descend on the gardens of St Anne’s Church in Dean Street to attend the extravaganza, which kicks off at noon and runs until 6pm. 

Singer Adam Ant and Gracie the African Grey Parrot will be among the guests and there will be live music food stalls and bric-a-brac. There’s also the annual “paint the parrot” competition with a bonus prize if you can teach them some new words, and a tug of war – a major fundraiser for the Soho Society – since the early 1970s.

The 37th annual Soho Festival takes place in St Anne’s Church gardens, from midday-6pm on Sunday, July 10. £2 entry.
Children and OAPs free.

PUBLISHED: 08 July 2011


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