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Health News - Whittington’s RAF reservist reflects on her frontline service in Afghanistan

Laura Hodson, left, with Nickola Amin, matron of Whittington Health’s emergency

Published: 7 July, 2011

SHE works on the frontline of British nursing in the Whittington hospital’s accident and emergency department.

But Laura Hodson is also part of another tight-knit team – the British Armed Forces – and the 25-year-old has just returned from her second tour of duty in Afghanistan.

A member of the RAF Reservists, she has taken posts as a Flight Commander and Nurse Officer.

Flt Lt Laura Hodson said: “The biggest difference is that there was a lot more major trauma when I was serving in Afghanistan. 

“Having coped with what I saw out there has made me much more confident in my day job at Whittington Health.”

Ms Hodson is believed to be the only NHS staff member in Camden who has swapped the operating theatre for the theatre of war. 

But she said: “I have enjoyed both of my operational tours. 

“I got such a sense of satisfaction doing a job I loved in a new and challenging environment. The basics of both my jobs are the same in terms of prioritisation, treatment and patient care.”

She added: “Seeing what I did out there, it meant that I came back knowing I could cope.”

Ms Hodson was speaking as part of Uniform to Work Day that was organised at the hospital as part of the build-up to Armed Forces Day, raising awareness about reservists. 

There are around 38,000 people across the country who give up their time to be part of the armed forces reserves mainly on Operation Herrick (Afghan­istan) and Operation Ellamy (Libya). 

Ms Hodson has worked at the Whittington since October 2009. 

Whittington A&E matron Nickola Amin said: “Obviously, we can have tricky and difficult situations in the departments. 

“She’s a lot more confident because of what she’s seen out there, certainly in comparison with what is here. She does brilliantly.” 


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