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Driver gets car back after four-hour protest in Highgate High Street

Published: 30th June, 2011

A MOTORIST emerged victorious after a four-hour stand-off forced wardens to return his vehicle.

Shoppers watched in amazement as the man leapt onto the back of a car removal truck and sat in his Vauxhall Astra as it was about to be removed from Highgate High Street.

Unable to take away an occupied vehicle, the wardens were forced into a stalemate lasting all Friday afternoon.

Charlotte Bourne, associate director of Taylor Gibbs estate agents in High Street, said: “Everyone was giving him drinks and sandwiches because the whole thing was so ridiculous. He was in quite good spirits.”

Police declined to arrest the motorist.

A Haringey Council spokeswoman said: “Our priority was the safety of all concerned, so we advised our contractors to return the car to its owner.”

She added that police were now investigating.


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