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Destiny Lauren killing retrial

Published: 30th June, 2011

THE murder of Destiny Lauren – who was found beaten and strangled at her home in Kentish Town in November 2009 – is set for a retrial.

Destiny, 29, was a pre-op transsexual who made a living by entertaining male clients at her flat in Leighton Crescent.

One of her visitors, Leon Anthony Fyle, 23, from Lewisham, was convicted of murder and jailed for life at Snaresbrook Crown Court last September.

But Fyle, who has always protested his innocence, will now face a second trial following a hearing before top judges at the Court of Appeal. They upheld submissions from defence QC Sally O’Neill that his conviction was “unsafe”. 

The retrial will take place before Judge Nicholas Loraine Smith and a jury at Southwark Crown Court in February  next year.


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