Maiden Lane estate ‘consultations’ a farce
• YOUR correspondent, RD Warren (October 15) is right.
The “consultations” over the future of the Maiden Lane estate that the councillor rejoices in are a farce. There are about 800 adult residents on the estate of whom only 20 turned up at the exhibition to hear the council’s polemics. That leaves 97.5 per cent who turned their backs on the demolition plan.
And can you wonder at it? For over 10 years the council has tried to beguile us with Almo and PFI schemes, both of which were designed to enable the council to avoid paying up for the years of neglect for which they are responsible. Both these schemes failed on the democratic rocks of a residents’ plebiscite: they were roundly rejected. Now the word has gone out from the Town Hall that there must be no voting allowed on their latest scheme: demolition.
Dutifully, Open Communities, the independent tenants’ advisers fell into line. Open Communities are, of course, funded by Camden. They announced that following the “consultations” there would be no vote at all allowed among the residents. They then set up an unelected steering committee which would “advise” the council instead. But even this unelected body has run into trouble. The latest meeting had to be cancelled due to lack of support. Is this the democracy that we have a right to expect from our ward councillors? Shouldn’t they be helping us to defend our homes not planning their demolition?
Save All Our Homes’ website www.MaidenLaneEstate.org lifts the lid on demolition scheme.
Dr Peter Preston
Save All Our Homes Campaign