Successes of PCSOs
• I AM writing in response to your article (Business’ doubts on community cops, October 22).
You imply that the council’s press release on the success of the PCSOs in Camden Town is misleading.
On the contrary. I believe the churlish, negative tone of your article means your readers are not being told the whole story.
Camden Town is a very different place from two years ago.
Drug dealing in the area has fallen, and this is thanks in part to the presence of the PCSOs and the intelligence gathered by them.
Work done by the PCSOs has led to several arrests and convictions, and they have often gone above and beyond the call of duty.
There has been a dramatic fall in crime in Camden Town – 17 per cent over the last year. This can in no way be ignored, and is again thanks, in part, to the hard work done by the PCSOs.
The PCSOs have done an excellent job with engaging with residents and businesses in the area, who report that they feel safer in Camden Town than before.
Obviously there is still work to be done, and areas we can work on, as the survey highlights.
But we are moving in the right direction.
I think the extra PCSOs need to be commended for the work they have done already, and the work they continue to do, to make residents, business owners and visitors to Camden Town feel safer.
Articles such as yours only serve to detract from the hard work and dedication shown by Camden Town’s PCSOs.
Cllr James King
Executive Member, Community Safety