Plea on Wharf site
• I HOPE your article on the Hawley Wharf development turns up the heat on the developer to come clean about plans for the phantom third site.
This week, one resident told me that a super-casino was secretly planned for the site. Others have whispered about similarly outlandish schemes. All this may be rubbish, but the developer has only one way to prove it and that is to sit down at the negotiating table and reveal his true intentions.
The future is bright for Camden Town. Statistics show that the Liberal Democrat promise to crack down on the drugs trade has started to pay off. Local organisations such as Camden Town Unlimited are quickly winning the area back a reputation for innovative and creative thinking. I have joined those doing battle to get the best for Camden Town. But all this is at risk if we get it wrong on Hawley Wharf. The developer needs to show his hand. Fast.
Cllr Matthew Sanders,
Liberal Democrat, Haverstock ward