Support us in the fight against creeping privatisation and the threat to post jobs
• WE are a group of postal workers and union representatives.
We want the public to know the truth about our dispute.
Royal Mail bosses are hiding behind the word “modernisation”.
What they mean is unprecedented cuts in jobs, services, pay and conditions.
Postal workers face threats to job security – some 63,000 jobs have been lost in the last five years. Royal Mail want to replace most full-time with part-time jobs or casual labour and to carry out a programme of compulsory redundancies.
We are increasingly pressurised to fulfil impossible work targets by a bullying management. We are, in addition, expected to work longer hours for no extra pay.
As for the public, they face a less reliable service with later deliveries.
Finally, we are facing creeping privatisation – a business based on profit, whereas we aim to deliver a public service based on need.
We call on all who live and work in Camden to support us in any way they can: organising collections, sending messages of support, inviting speakers to trade union and other meetings, visiting our picket lines, helping to build local postal workers’ support group.
Tony Davis
Communication Workers’ Union, North West London area rep
Jim Kirwan
Branch secretary, CWU N/NW London CWU
Gerry Lecointe
CWU Kentish Town Royal Mail
Lee McDonald
CWU rep Kentish Town
Royal Mail