Why we must support the postal workers’ fight
• THE postal workers’ fight is vital for every worker, student, unemployed person and pensioner in Britain.
It is part of a much wider battle in defence of public services, jobs, trade union rights, pensions, and pay and conditions at work. It’s about who will be made to pay for the economic crisis.
Throughout both the public and private sectors, workers are facing similar problems: job cuts, heavier workloads, bullying management, attacks on pensions, attempts to weaken trade union organisation. A victory for the postal workers would show the rest that resistance is possible and that workers can win. Defeat would encourage further attacks. We call on all who live and work in Camden to support the postal workers in any way they can: sending messages of support, organising collections, inviting speakers to trade union and other meetings, visiting picket-lines, helping to build the local postal workers’ support group.
Pete Ainsley (Camden Unison publicity)
Meric Apak (Chair, Camden Federation of Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations)
Andrew Baisley (Camden NUT, membership secretary)
Mandy Berger (Camden Unison, housing convenor)
George Binette (Secretary Elect, Camden Unison; Chair, Camden Trades Council),
Kevin Courtney (Camden NUT branch secretary; NUT executive)
Janet Green (Treasurer, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Gill Kaffash (Secretary, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Dr. Robert MacGibbon (FRCGP) Sandy Nichol (Branch secretary, SOAS Unison)
Jesse Oldershaw (UCU, UCL)
Anna Owens (PCS branch organiser, HMRC Euston Tower)
Sabby Sagall (Chair, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Ben Sprung (Camden FBU rep; London Region executive)
Candy Udwin (Chair, Camden Keep Our NHS Public)
Barry Walden (Joint Chair, Camden Unison)
Sean Wallis (Branch secretary UCL UCU)
Phoebe Watkins (Joint Chair, Camden Unison),
Liz Wheatley (Camden Unison steward; Convenor Camden Stop the War Coalition)
(All in personal capacity).