Scandal of Town Hall’s wasted spending
• I READ with interest that the Council is now seeking to employ 5 more staff to promote business at a cost of £200,000 per year.
This is in addition to a similar sum for the cost of I Love Camden promotional magazine.
It would be interesting to know what the benefits of this £400,000 will be to the residents of Camden in general, and Gospel Oak in particular.
This lavish expenditure contrasts markedly with the cuts imposed on our more vulnerable citizens.
We have recently seen funding for youth work taken away from Maiden Lane community centre and the proposed sacking of a quarter of caretakers who provide a lifeline for the old and vulnerable.
In Gospel Oak we have seen almost £500,000 spent on a play centre which is likely to be “sold off” in the near future and £11,000 on a passageway between Arctic Street and the Regis Road industrial state which was open for less than a month before its apparently permanent closure.
The clear message for residents is that the Lib Dem/Tory mission is to take from the less advantaged members of our society and give it to the rich – a sort of reverse Robin Hood approach.
The New Journal is to be congratulated on its exposure of how our hard-earned council tax is wasted.
Larraine Revah
Aspern Grove