So what are the choices really on offer for tenants?
• THERE’S a rich irony in Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather insisting “tenants should have the right to choose” (Tenants should choose, October 8).
After all, that’s exactly what her Lib Dem colleagues running Camden Council are failing to do.
Did tenants choose to have their doorstep recycling scheme cancelled by the council? No. Did tenants choose to have their caretaking service privatised? Of course not. What about the tenants and residents on Rowley Way? As you have reported, the council is insisting on installing new radiators in the flats on their Grade II* listed estate, despite tenants saying that this would ruin the flats and is an unnecessary expense.
In fact, the tenants’ and residents’ association have surveyed residents and found nine out of 10 are against having radiators. They have invested their own funds in obtaining reports from independent experts who say the current heated walls work well and radiators would just be a waste of money. In fact the cost of the council’s proposals has been estimated at £8million – a hefty bill to put in radiators nobody wants.
So what choice are the Lib Dems giving these tenants?
I’m sure nobody’s too surprised at the hypocrisy of the Lib Dems these days. Still Ms Teather’s chutzpah would be funny, if it wasn’t people’s homes we’re talking about.
Mike Katz
Chair, Hampstead & Kilburn Labour Party