
Youngsters from Hampstead Football Club at the Town Hall present mayor Faruque Ansari with the official bid for new pitches at Chase Lodge, along with representatives from Kentish Town FC |
Chase pitches pursuit hots up!
Youth and semi-pro clubs present development plan for underused facility
THE dream of a full-sized community-run football facility for Camden’s youth and semi-professional teams came a step closer when youngsters presented plans for an underused piece of Town Hall land to the mayor.
Players from junior club Hampstead FC and Kentish Town FC joined forces last Wednesday to present business plans for Chase Lodge, a recreation ground in Barnet which the council currently owns and is looking to sell.
The clubs have won backing and cash pledges from sporting charities and now need the Town Hall’s blessing for what Hampstead FC chairwoman Diane Culligan calls “a first-class facility and trophy venue”.
Ms Culligan, who is heading up the Camden Community Football and Sports Association (CCFSA), said: “This will make such a difference to the young people of the borough. We have had so much support and encouragement from local people who are thrilled at the prospect of Camden having a first-class facility for the borough.”
Chase Lodge is a municipal recreation ground in Mill Hill, inherited by Camden Council when the Inner London Education Authority folded in 1990.
Although pupils from Hampstead School and other Camden secondaries were once bused out to Chase Lodge for matches and training, in recent years it has been used mainly by Barnet residents. The Town Hall has been looking to unload the ground and avoid the £100,000-a-year maintenance costs.
Bids to buy the ground, which is protected from development by planning rules and the original covenant under which it was gifted to Camden, had to be submitted by last week.
The CCFSA, which was formed to tackle the chronic lack of full-size football pitches in Camden, hopes to build training facilities and a stand at Chase Lodge.
Frank Zanre, who has taken Kentish Town FC from a youth team playing in the Camden and Islington Midweek Youth League to semi-pro status and a key role in CCFSA, said: “This is no more than the young footballers of Camden deserve. The talent and commitment of our young players is unmatched and an FA standard facility will provide a focus for excellence in the borough”.
Camden mayor Faruque Ansari said: “I cannot comment on the bid but I wish them the best of luck.” |
Your comments:
I DO hope this project succeeds as I know my grandson Lennie Armstrong from the Hampstead Junior football club will make excellent use of it.
He's so enthusiastic about football and it's really important to encourage young people to get involved in sport, as habits formed in youth can make a huge difference to their future health and well-being, and to their local communities. Providing youth with interesting opportunities such as sport can keep them away from crime. Good luck with the bid!
Rohana Darlington
I JUST would like to say a big thankyou to all those that were involved in helping us to put our bid together an for all the hours that have been put in by everyone.
We want to build something that everyone in Camden can use for years to come not only for sport but for a wide range of activities.We want to give the youth of tommorow something that they can call their own and be proud to be associated with.May Sport in Camden go from strength to strength and allow us to develop the immense talent that goes untapped.Help us to Help you.
Frank Zanre |