Support for the CAB
• IN response to Frank Dobson’s Forum piece (Restore the grant to citizens advice, September 24), the article is wholly inaccurate when it states that the council has made substantial cuts to its budget for the Camden CAB.
Camden Council provides more funding to its local CAB than any other council in the country. In 2007 Camden CAB successfully bid for contracts worth £983,000 per year to provide council-funded advice services.
Camden Council has an excellent relationship with Camden CAB. Other contracts to deliver specific projects have been awarded to the CAB by the council, and other organisations, that all contribute to its operating costs.
Furthermore, Camden CAB is currently delivering front line generalist information and advice services through its offices, and outreach services in other places like supermarkets. Indeed, Camden CAB has just run the first in a series of advice roadshows at supermarkets to offer information to local people affected by the recession.
These new advice services are partly being funded through an additional £140,000 the council has provided for the CAB to deliver a tailored service to Camden residents and for the Mary Ward Centre to provide specialist welfare benefits and debt advice for more complex cases.
Contrary to what is suggested, Camden Council is committed to providing advice services for residents and businesses during the recession, which is why we are investing additional funds from our £6million recession recovery fund into making sure residents can access the advice they need. We have also set up a single advice line number. Anyone needing help can call 020 7974 6666. Recession survival packs can be requested by emailing rsp@camdencabservice.org.uk
Cllr Andrew Marshall
Executive Member for Community Development and Planning