Care trust must put GP-led centre plans on hold
• THIS week the council’s health scrutiny committee was once again faced with proposals by the primary care trust to put Camden health services out to tender (in which private companies will almost inevitably be the preferred bidders).
Again, seemingly in defiance of assurances made to the committee, new proposals have come forward and the tender process has been set in train without any public consultation.
Ben Bradshaw, the former health minister had told the committee that there would be no GP-led health centre without public consultation. But last week the PCT told the committee that the health minister had made contradictory comments to Parliament, recorded in Hansard, which meant that the PCT would have no power to respond to any consultation on the principle of whether we should have a GP-led health centre and the PCT intended to go by what was said to Parliament. I was therefore delighted colleagues on the committee agreed to use our powers to refer the matter of these contradictory statements to the minister. It is to be hoped the PCT will now act in good faith and put the GP-led health centre proposals on hold until the minister has clarified the issue.
Cllr Alex Goodman
Green Party, Highgate ward