Leaseholder democracy
• CAMDEN Lease-holders Forum is having the fifth election now for a new three-year term.
For the first time, there are more candidates than places in all five districts.
A new Camden Council will be elected next April. Its leader will be wholly responsible for services for the first time under new legislation. That’s why, it is vital to have a strong forum to tell candidates for the council what leaseholders want, and hold them to promises.
That means a decisive forum election result. When necessary, I have been able to tell councillors that I was elected to the forum by a representative vote, similar to most councillors, in terms of the turnout and votes cast for me. Whoever joins the new forum, I want leaseholders to give candidates full support. It means we could get the vote results turned into new policies, notably on easing the costs of capital works in the borough. There is a lot more to do on cutting costs and improving efficiency.
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Peter Wright
Chairman, Camden Leaseholders Forum