Hard-hit businesses call for an end to postal workers’ strikes
INDEPENDENT trader groups have pleaded with Post Office workers to end their campaign of rolling strikes and let business get back to normal.
Business leaders across Camden say they are receiving payments late and that crucial promotional campaigns have gone awry.
Estate agent Antony Casingena, of NW3 Hampstead business forum, representing independent traders in Hampstead, said: “The post is a complete nightmare, as far as small businesses are concerned. Some of the mail we received on Friday was sent 10 days earlier. It is becoming a service that we cannot rely upon.”
Judith Hunt of the King’s Cross Business Forum said: “In the last eight weeks, we have been organising a food festival in King’s Cross for all the independent restaurants. There was a big launch party – but the invites got lost in the post.”
Highgate Business Circle rep John Plews, who runs Upstairs at the Gatehouse in Highgate, said: “We always send out a mail shot before a new show and this time a lot of people still haven’t received it. I’ve been here 12 years and I know that audience numbers for the opening week of a new show were far down on the usual.”
Union chiefs say their members are being forced to work unbearable shifts as shifts are cut and delivery rounds lengthened – Royal Mail argues the current postal service is unsustainable and cut backs are inevitable. Hampstead depot has gone on strike 12 times in as many weeks.
Simon Pitkeathley, chief executive of Camden Town Unlimited, representing businesses in Camden Town, said: “The danger is for the Post Office is that businesses will begin will post into the hands of private mail companies.
“It may not be good for the people that are on strike.” |