Brighton demonstration
THE UK now has the highest unemployment rate since 1995 – 2.4 million, or 7.9 per cent of the workforce – and it’s still rising.
The young are particularly badly affected, with nearly one in five unemployed.
In Camden last December, there were 7,200 unemployed, 5.8 per cent of the working age population; as for youth unemployment for the 16-24 age group, the figure was 2,600 or 18.2 per cent.
All the main parties are threatening to make public spending cuts, a policy that will drive unemployment up even further.
A coalition of trade unions and campaigning organisations – The Right to Work, Stop the War Coalition and Unite Against Fascism – has called for a demonstration at the Labour Party conference in Brighton on Sunday September 27.
This lobby will call for Jobs, Education, and Peace and Justice.
Spending should be targeted at strengthening public services so as to generate employment. The government should also invest in colleges and universities rather than make cuts. Moreover, the continued deployment of troops in Afghanistan and the proposed Trident replacement programme will cost billions that should be spent on
public services for the most vulnerable. The demonstration is supported by six national trade unions – UCU, NUJ, NUT, PCS, CWU and RMT.
We are a group of leading trade union, campaign and community representatives and activists in Camden who are sponsoring the lobby in a personal capacity.
We call on employed and unemployed, on students and young people, in Camden to support the demonstration.
Pete Ainsley (Camden Unison publicity officer),
Meric Apak (Chair, Camden Federation of Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations)
Andrew Baisley (Camden NUT, membership secretary)
Mandy Berger (Camden Unison, housing convenor),
George Binette (Secretary Elect, Camden Unison; Chair, Camden Trades Council),
Kevin Courtney (Camden NUT branch secretary; NUT executive)
Tony Davis (CWU, NW London area representative)
Peter Donaghy (CWU, NEC)
Tom Foot (Camden NUJ)
Janet Green (Treasurer, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Gill Kaffash (Secretary, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Jim Kirwan (CWU branch secretary, N/NW London)
Gerry Lecointe, (CWU, Kentish Town Royal Mail).
Lee McDonald, (CWU rep, Kentish Town Royal Mail)
Sandy Nichol (Branch secretary, SOAS Unison)
Sabby Sagall (Chair, Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Ben Sprung (Camden FBU rep; London Region executive)
Candy Udwin (Chair, Camden Keep Our NHS Public)
Barry Walden (Joint Chair, Camden Unison),
Sean Wallis (Branch secretary UCL UCU on behalf of the branch)
Phoebe Watkins (Joint Chair, Camden Unison),
Liz Wheatley (Camden Unison steward; Convenor Camden Stop the War Coalition)
Jim Kirwan (Branch secretary, CWU N/NW London)
Peter Donaghy (CWU NEC)
Jesse Oldershaw (UCL UCU branch committee)