Improvements on the estate
• I AM baffled by Jack Smith’s letter (How carelessly the council are squandering our assets, September 10) regarding the Chalcots estate.
Burnham Residents Association has been sitting on the board of works with Camden Council, the contractors, representatives from the other tower blocks from the Chalcots and our local councillors, in particular Arthur Graves.
The comment that our local councillors have done nothing for the Chalcots is totally wrong.
The councillors – both local and at executive level – have been working extremely hard, fighting and winning issues in regards to the PFI project at the Chalcots and continuing to do so.
Of course, it’s not all rosy as these things never are, and no one realises the extent of the problems until a project begins.
We know this as we are involved fully with the entire team.
We put pressure on the council and councillors to better the Chalcots and do as much within their power as fast as possible.
The original contract put together for the PFI on the Chalcots is the cause of many of our problems, and is a minefield.
The council and councillors have to work within this. However, they and we look for positive solutions.
Hasan Shah
Burnham Residents Association
Fellows Road, NW3 |