The ‘growing your library’ phrase was a real warning
• THE dreadful phrase “growing your library” was a warning (New chapter: the ‘growing’‘ library payroll shrinks by 14, September 3).
From reports in the press, it seems to indicate that people who do not like reading, not to mention writing plain,elegant English, and cannot see a future for books in a world of ever encroaching gizmos, are now running our libraries.
The ‘ politically correct’ notion that children must never be allowed the supreme pleasure of reading in traditionally quiet and restful places, in case they learn to despise literature (presumably), has already turned some of our delightful smaller libraries into creches, doing disservice to both older and younger ‘customers’ (They mean ‘readers’, don’t they ?)
Contrary to Cllr.Rea’s reported statement that librarians and archivists “don’t have specialist roles” , one of the greatest treasures in our rich and wonderful Local History Archive in particular, but probably also in the other Reference libraries, are the well-stocked irreplaceable minds of the specialist staff. These people carry ‘ computers’ in their heads, built on years of knowledge of their special collections of books.
They are not suited for, or needed as “hosts” in our libraries. We need them as specialist librarians or archivists - not quite the same thing,please note - and could probably do with economising on one or two councillors instead.
The present Council, and Cllr.Flick Rea in particular, will go down in history with the final death of the once distinguished and culturally respected Camden - I speak of some decades ago ago when the Council was respected all over London for knowing how to staff and stock our excellent libraries.
John Richard of the Camden History Society,and previous chairman of the Camden libraries and Arts committee, who comments that he deplores these ill-considered proposals, speaks for us all.
Address supplied, NW3
• I MAKE a point of going to the local studies library to see the exhibitions, and listen to talks although I do not live in Camden.
The Open Day was particularly successful (including a visit to the archives and a demonstration of restoration work): the recent Little Italy exhibition and associated events attracted a tremendous response from the Italian community.
The staff are expert, and there is always a good atmosphere.
I am therefore surprised and upset, that such a centre of excellence should be under threat.
The staff have local knowledge, and (understanding) of the archives, which is indispensable for the individual, who call and request information about local areas, and family trees.
There is also the thriving Camden History Society and individual authors, who rely on the archives.
One need only go to Burgh House to see the large number of books about Camden on display.
I hope the council will think again.
Boyne Avenue, NW4