Liberal Democrats do not represent estate’s interest
• THE Liberal Democrats came round our estate on Wednesday August 26 to pester us with a bogus campaign about the Maiden Lane Community Centre.
Not only did they steal the name and slogan of our legitimate and popular campaign to save Maiden Lane – the estate they want to knock down, community centre and all – but they deceitfully pretend to represent our interests, which they do not.
In their bumph they ask why is there no funding for the Maiden Lane Community Centre.
The answer is because they, the ruling coalition at the council, didn’t give any.
How stupid are they?
How stupid do they think we are?
R Warren, Broadfield Lane, NW1
Sending a message to the gang
• WITH reference to the article (Scooter Asbo kids caught on Facebook, August 27) this shows a welcome victory for Maiden Lane residents against anti-social behaviour. It sends the message to the gang Maidenblockz and others that actions to terrorise will not be tolerated.
However, even with victories like this, surely the funding cuts for the superb Maiden Lane youth club will mean more anti-social behaviour in the future?
It is extremely disappointing that after years of tireless work by the community centre the Liberal Democrat-run council has so callously taken us backwards.
As a teacher in a challenging London school it is clear to me that young people need to be engaged. The youth club has done a brilliant job at this. If its funding is cut will it be any wonder that some of those denied worthwhile and enjoyable youth activities may stray off course?
How many victories over gangs such as Maidenblockz do we need to overcome the damage done by this council decision?
What is even more disappointing is the attempt of the Lib Dems to save their own political skin rather than the youth centre.
When will they realise that the only thing that really matters is the 130-plus young people who are most affected?
We need to focus fully on restoring funding so that we can support the youth centre in reducing anti-social behaviour in the future.
Warwick Sharp, NW1
Funding lessons
• COUNCILLOR Roger Robinson is right to be concerned about youth funding and provision (New Journal, August 27).
Dare I mention again that the Jubilee Centre, on the Regent’s Canal towpath by Elm Village, closed for a couple of years now, had some £3million of lottery funding for its refurbishment?
Why did Sport England support this development without ensuring that the centre had secure funding for running costs?
Why does it lie idle when it has excellent facilities?
There are probably many examples of this disgraceful waste of money and resources across the country. Attention to this whole sorry business, and learning lessons, would surely help us save money nationwide.
Everyone involved in this fiasco should be embarrassed at their failure properly to safeguard the interests of local youngsters.
Reachview Close, NW1
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