What price scrapping caretakers?
• IS privatising part of the caretaking service in communal outdoor areas of our council estates really going to improve the quality of that service?
The original tender for the pilot scheme in Hampstead was too costly so Camden reportedly submitted a reduced specification in order to stack up the figures justifying savings.
But at what cost?
Well, if other contracts are anything to go by, I would be interested to find out what would constitute a variation order.
Caretakers at the moment deal with dog mess, dirty nappies dragged around by urban foxes at night, drug-related mess, and so on.
I am unsure if the revised specification for Veolia include such work, or would these items be charged as “extras” eating into the alleged £140,000 savings.
What is immoral, though, is that bonuses reportedly paid to target driven managers outstrip the so-called savings achieved through the deletion of frontline caretaking posts equalling to a quarter of the workforce.
MERIC APAK Chairman,
Camden Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations