Bonnet up for free parking!
• THE street outside one of the motor businesses in Iverson Road, NW6 regularly has at least one car, sometimes two or even three parked for a week or more without resident or visitor permits displayed. How could this happen when the cars are left on yellow lines or resident only bays?
The secret is that these vehicles are left with their bonnets raised, which renders them invisible to the traffic wardens who patrol the street.
Perhaps your readers don’t want to leave the inner workings of their car engines exposed for such long periods of time, but just think... those moments when you want to support a local shop by running in for a carton of milk, that 10 minutes you need to run in and collect your child from school, no more rushing back before the meter runs out just raise your bonnets and park for free!
I know it sounds fantastic, but it must be true because otherwise these cars would surely be ticketed in the same way as those left with their bonnets closed are.
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